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Hans-Dietrich Kahl:

Das erloschene Slawentum des Obermaingebietes und sein vorchristlicher Opferbrauch (trebo) im Spiegel eines mutmaßlich würzburgischen Synodalbeschlusses aus dem 10. Jahrhundert.
(Extingusihed Slavic Culture in the Territory of Upper Main and Its Pre-Christian Sacrifice (Trebo) in the Light of the Presumed Würzburg Synodic Resolution from the 10th Century)


The Old Slavic term trreba (sacrifice) has hardly survived Christianization. Presumably the oldest report about this ritual dates from 785 and appears as the Würzburg Synodal Resolution from the 10th century. The resolution speaks about the draconic measures against church heretics, all of whom were strangely of non-Frankish origin. Slavic and German imperial subjects are treated equally, and Slavs have their own judicial community. Their religion is syncretistic and the degree of their Christianization unclear. A strong resistance against the Church was evident. Trebo (sic), the ritual feast, was one of the forbidden returns to “paganism.” Analyzed are grammatical usages of the terms idolatria, idolothytum, and paganismus, and a new insight into the prehistory of the Bamberg diocese is given..

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