STUDIA MYTHOLOGICA SLAVICA | Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU |
Dejan Ajdačić:
The Lover Fairy in Romantic Serbian Literature
Depicted as atractive young girls with demonic nature in folk beliefs and folklore of South Slavs, fairies strongly attracted Serbian romantic poets. In their poems they preserved their main characteristics, but also added new elements, adapting them to new themes and subjects. As lovers, fairies appear in texts of Simo Milutinović, Jovan Subotić, Laza Kostić, Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, and others. According to di. erent themes and motifs the texts focus on di. erent subjects: love with a fairy that has been ful. lled, instances in which a fairy rejects her lover, and notions about wild erotic love of seducing fairies. By writing about these subjects, Serbian romantic poets were able to interwine their work with folk heritage, to develop fantastic and allegoric motifs, and to rhapsodise on theme of love.
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